Oaks, Polnolunie and an invisible horse

time was ticking and I was a little late, so I decided not to wait for my horse and get to the concert as fast as I could.

It payed off! I arrived when Acorne was still doing the announcement. Since Polnolunie moved to Laurelin they have been raising a lot of attention, well deserved attention I have to add. One of the reasons I like to listen to them is their unique choice of music and their lyrics are famous all over middleearth.


The opening songs about heroes started out as melancholic as expected, between some songs I can’t name was a nice arrangement of the Skyfall theme. Their version of Herr Mannelig, here as “Herr Saruman” was quite horny: three horns in a band of six musicians seems risky, but it sounded great. I learned during the concert that three horns, theorbo, drums and bagpipes for the singing voice is quite a common instrument setting for Polnolunie.

The poetry was fantastic, even the songs had poetic names like: warm rain – sad tears of spring. How awesome is that? I had to drink a shot of vodka right away! They also played Кукушка (cuckoo), a song from Kino, a russian bands I like a lot. And then it was time for one of their most iconic tunes – I call it the skeleton babie song. The real name is “Love under Full Moon” and it is a ballad about – well you should really go and watch Polnolunie perform it! The song is so awesome that the basic lute plongs didn’t bother me at all. It is really a pity that a lot of bands still use it without paying much attention to the wrong tones on the B and b.

All of the songs were accompanied by Master Geralds singing, some of the lyrics being charming direct translation of their russian original. A lot of the songs were stories about hobbits. I think Gerald is a true hobbit in his heart!

Concerts of Polnolunie are always something special – their songs are mostly not played by other bands, the lyrics are one of a kind. I like their dark humour a lot. It was a very nice evening!


2 thoughts on “Oaks, Polnolunie and an invisible horse”

  1. Hello Bruzo!
    Thank you for such warm words about our music!
    In the year since our debut here after migrating from closed ru-servers I hope we made a big step forward in the quality of our music and as the texts of our songs.
    We try to learn from the best bands here, but at the same time preserving our style of music, so that we can distinguish from many other groups.
    The next year we have a lot of plans, including to try styles and genres of music that have not been used by us, so we hope that we can make you happy again!


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